Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
* = required field
In consideration of the acceptance of my application and the permission to participate in the Health and Fitness Expo at the AROUND THE BAY ROAD RACE/BAY AND BACK 5K to be held March 27-28 2020, I, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns HEREBY RELEASE, WAIVE, AND FOREVER DISCHARGE, The City of Hamilton, City of Burlington, The Regions of Hamilton Wentworth, and Halton, The Bay Race Corporation, and all other associations, sanctioning bodies and sponsoring companies, and all their respective agents, officials, servants, contractors, representatives, successors, and assigns OF ALL AND FROM ALL claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, actions, and causes of action, whether in law or equity, in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to my person or property HOWSOEVER CAUSED, arising or to arise by reason of my participation in the said event, whether as spectator, participant, or otherwise; whether prior to, during or subsequent to the event AND NOTWITHSTANDING that same may have been contributed to or occasioned the negligence of any of the aforesaid. ATTESTATION — I attest and verify that I am fully aware of the physical risk of injury or death in participating in this event and voluntarily agree to accept full responsibility and legal liability for same, that I am fit and have trained sufficiently for this event. I am also aware that the weather conditions on Sunday March 31st 2019 may be unpredictable thus posing an increased physical risk. I understand photos taken during the race may be used in future promotional materials. By submitting this entry, I acknowledge having read and agreed to the above waiver, release, indemnification and attestation.
*I have read and agree to the above waiver